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Saturday, January 1, 2011 , Posted by the InCrediBLe at 8:26 PM

Up to 90 % of the diseases are water borne diseases, pure drinking water becoming scarce due to river, ground water pollution. CORPORATIONS AND MUNCIPALITIES were not able to provide clean drinking water. Many innovative companies have invented water purifiers but many require power connection to operate the purifiers. In public places like parks, bus stands, railway stations, rural areas, market places there is requirement for these water purifiers. Everyone cannot afford packaged drinking water. Due to power scarcity in many countries power supply is limited to few hours in a day. Rural areas never get good voltage at all.
MY IDEA IS TO DESIGN WATER PURIFIERS RUN BY THE SOLAR ENERGY, THESE PURIFIERS CAN BE INSTALLED ANYWHERE. Hope the designers, innovators, water purifier manufacturers, solar equipment manufacturers, Government and social organizations, corporate would give attention for this idea and focus on developing this useful product. By providing clean, hygienic drinking water borne diseases can be prevented

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