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Fast Gain Diet

Saturday, January 1, 2011 , Posted by the InCrediBLe at 12:03 AM

Thank you, you have just bought this diet program that is high in protein and will help you gain lean muscle mass quickly and healthily.
This has been my diet for 6 months now and the results I have seen have been very good I have put on ¾ of a stone in muscle mass and have a very low body fat.
You can alter this diet slightly to your tastes and needs. This can be done by changing the protein intake, e.g. from chicken to fish.
You can alter your carb intake depending on your desired level of body fat. If you wish to be lean and ripped eat low levels of cards but enough to give sufficient energy and allow you to muscle cell synthesis the protein to renew muscle fibre. If you are not bothered about your body fat levels then eat as much as you like!!

The following diet along with a good training program will help you gain muscle weight fast, but only if you stick to it. Use the tips below to help construct your diet around this one if it doesn’t meet your tastes:


7 scrambled eggs (1 whole + 6 or more whites) depending on size no more than 4 eggs for people less than 80kgs or training 3 or times a week
(By this I mean 80kgs of mainly muscle not fat) so don’t eat any more than 3 if you weigh more than this and are not that fit (health reasons)
Do not consume more than 2-3 eggs if over 40 for cholesterol reasons
1 cup of cooked oatmeal
1 glass fruit juice
1 small glass water
1 cup of coffee

1 protein shake
1 pint of water

1 can of tuna fish
2 slices of wheat bread
Mixed salad
1 pint of water

1 protein shake
1 pint of water

1 meat steak (fish, chicken, beef, pork) or 1-2 if over 80 kg’s
½ cup to a whole one depending on size of brown rice (1/4 of cup if under 70kgs)

1 serving of high protein beans or mixed vegetables
1 glass of water

1 protein shake
1 pint of water

 Protein shakes:
300ml of skimmed milk
5g of whey protein
Some mixed fruit depending on tastes

Females and males over the age of 40 or people training less than 4 times a week only consume 1-2 protein shakes per day.

I also recommend that you take a multi vitamin and supplements in iron and magnesium as it helps muscles function better and therefore grow quicker.


1) Protein: minimal of 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight. Some may do better at up to 2g/lb! (Experimentation & cycling your protein intake may be necessary)
2) Dietary Fat: 25-30% of daily calories as dietary fat (with emphasis on Essential Fatty Acids (EFA) and unsaturated fats).
3) Carbohydrates: Eliminate/Limit refined carbohydrates including most starches (except in special needs). Also eliminate/limit "empty calories" such as salad dressings, sauces, gravies (these hidden calories can pack on unwanted pounds of hideous fat!)
4) Vegetables: Emphasize fibrous vegetables and include them in two meals each  day.
5) Water: Pure water consumption each day. Target 1 ounce for each kilogram of bodyweight. Work up to it by carrying a bottle of water with you, everywhere!
6) Fibre: Fibre intake of 30 grams, minimum. 
8) Meal Frequency: Eat 5-8 smaller meals each day. Each time you eat there is a "thermic effect" to the body's metabolic rate. 5-8 of these daily "stoking of the fire" are better than 2-3.
9) Alcohol: Alcohol is one of the greatest body fat promoters and testosterone suppressants.
10) Stimulants: Use stimulants such as caffeine, ephedrine, etc. only in specific conditions when a pick-up is needed (i.e. prior to training). Avoid dependence upon these type agents by cycling their use (if you do choose to use them at all).
Try to consume about 0.5 gallons of water a day but use tips depending on weight. Add lemon as it reduces water retention, which will add weight.

You should see results within a few months as long as you stick to the diet and your training program is sufficient try not to eat outside the diet or it wont work.

Good luck and kind regards

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