Chapter 6 : RAP AS A CAREER
Sunday, January 9, 2011
, Posted by the InCrediBLe at 3:19 AM
I hear teachers and parents say all the time, “Everybody can't be a rapper,
you better do something more realistic.” President Obama even said in his
speech, “Everybody can be the next Lil Wayne”. Well to a certain degree
they are right. They are right about everybody can't be a major label
rapper, selling millions of records like Lil Wayne. But one thing I can tell
you is that if there’s a will there’s a way. And that way is to make a living
I’m sure a lot of people that are so passionate about rapping that they don’t
need to sell a million albums to be happy. They will be happy if they can
just make a living doing it and don’t have to go to work every morning.
Now, the more education you have the more of a reality this can be for you.
If you don't get a college education in business, music business, marketing
or management you should at least read every single book on the record
business, business management and marketing you can get your hands
In order to make a good living rapping you have to think like a
entertainment company with a marketing department. You have to realize
that the goal is to make money not sell a lot of records or become famous.
You have to make smart business decisions based of of your market,
location and resources. For instance, it might better for your rap career if
you didn’t focus on making and selling albums right now. It might be a
better business decision if you just concentrate on live shows. Or it might
be a better business decision if you focused on merchandising. Like Tshirts,
Ringtones, Jingles or even Greeting Cards.
The bottom line is to establish your company first. Make sure your putting
your company in a position to be able to support you first. Support you the
easiest way possible using the least path of resistance. Once you do this
then the sky's the limit. But if your rapping just to get rich and its not truly
your passion then you will most definitely burn your self out sooner or later.
And when I use the term “Passion” I'm describing what you feel every time
you start rapping. If you find yourself spending hours and getting lost in the
time without even realizing it. Or if you have dedicated everything to
rapping and will do anything to rap for a living, even if you have to do it for
free, then you most definitely have a passion for it. Because it's that type of
dedication that's going to get you to the hump. But the knowledge of
business and marketing is whats going to get you over that hump.
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