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Chapter 3 : WRITING

Sunday, January 9, 2011 , Posted by the InCrediBLe at 3:11 AM

Writing a rap song is more structured than the average person may
think. Sure, there are some rappers who Freestyle their rap songs but
there is a huge amount of rappers who have a method that they constantly
use when writing songs. These methods are used especially when the
subject of the song trying to tell a story or communicate a complicated
emotion. These methods of writing are based on the Subject of the song,
the Writing Structure and Song Structure.

1. Subject:
The Subject of a song could be anything your heart desires. Possible
subjects could be a specific topic, a phrase or anything that inspired you to
write the song. Inspiration could be from an instrumental you heard,
another song or a movie. But, keep in mind that the subject of a song can
have an impact on how you should structure the song. For instance, if you
are telling a story about something that happened to you because the
outcome inspired you to write a song about it then you should use a Story
Structure when writing the song.

2. Writing Structure:
There are a couple of Writing Structures that are available for you to use
as an aide to writing a song. Solid structure habits will help you easily and
clearly communicate whatever your thoughts are. It is one on the main
reasons that some writers and artists have so called “writing blocks”.
Because they have an idea but either don't know where to begin to start
writing about the idea or don't know how to write about the idea. Examples
of writing structures are The 4 P's, The 5 W's and Story Structure.

A. The 5 W's
The 5 W's are similar to the 5 P's. The 5 W's are Who, What, When,
Where, Why and sometimes How. Yes I know How doesn't start with a W,
but it's sometimes necessary when you are telling a story that doesn’t
makes sense unless you give your listener all of the details.
B. The 4 P's
The 4 P's writing structure is organized into 4 objectives. The 4 P's
stands for Promise, Picture, Proof and Push.
C. Story Structure
There are more than one story structures but the most common one
is the basic Three Act Story Structure. Act 1 (the beginning) is where you
introduce everything and set the situation up. Act 2 (the middle) is where
you build the tension, conflict and crises of the story. Act 3 (The End) is
where the story climaxes and resolves.

6. Song Structure:
Song Structure is the most important part of writing a song. There are
many different song structures and all of them are covered in our “Writing A
Rap Song Advanced” product. But, in the music industry the majority of
popular music fits into just a few of these structures. The most common of
these structures is the verse and hook/chorus structure. This structure has
different sections that can be placed in any order but the typical order in
which they are placed is in this order.
1. Intro
2. Verse 1
3. Hook
4. Verse 2
5. Hook
6. Verse 3
7. Bridge
8. Hook
9. Outro

These are just a few structures to introduce to you the concept. For more
detailed information and examples, check out Vol 2. “Writing A Rap Song”
and for a complete instruction on all of the writing structures check out
“Writing A Rap Song Advanced”.

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