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Advanced rotation crunch

Thursday, December 30, 2010 , Posted by the InCrediBLe at 10:32 PM

1. Lie on your back on the floor and hook your toes under a heavy piece of furniture.

2. Bend your knee comfortably and keep them bent throughout the entire set. This helps to relieve concentrated back strain.

3. Place your hands across your chest or fingers behind your ears, don’t pull on your head you will damage your neck.

4. Curl your head, and shoulder blades slightly off the floor keeping your stomach tight.

5. Now the hard and complicated bit!! Staying at the same height off the floor bend to the left slightly and hold for a second.

6. Now staying bent left slightly lift your torso a few centimeters hold for a second keeping your abs tight.

7. Now move your body back to the straight position staying at this higher level and keeping stomach tight, hold for a second.

8. Now bend your body to the right slightly staying at the higher level and keeping abs tight, hold for a second.

9. Staying bent to the right lower back to the original position just above the floor, keeping abs tight and hold for a second.

10. Now straighten up to the original position on the lower level hold for a second and keep abs tight.

11. Repeat this rotation for half of the reps in the direction described.

12. For the second half of the reps rotate in the opposite direction as described above.

Good luck it’s a hard one but enjoyable once you’ve got the hang of it

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